Supporting you through:

  • Entering old age

  • Death

  • Grief

  • Fear

  • Trust / Faith

  • Relationships

Awaken Your Heart.

Rekindle your relationship to self and Divine Source.  

Human life is a great gift and an opportunity to experience, discover, manifest, evolve.....

Our potential is so magnificent that we cannot even comprehend what extent we could reach.

This material culture only promotes external satisfaction, instant gratification, with no attention to the inner calling of the soul.

 We are losing our sense of connection to Divinity, our intuition, therefore we lack clarity which leads to poor choices, frustration, disconnect, fear and anxiety.

It is our good fortune when we come across masters, saintly personalities or those more evolved than us in the realm of the soul, to show us a glimpse of our potentiality and support us in our journey of self realization.

Integrating the soul's calling with our material, physical expression gives birth to great fulfillment that cannot be accessed only through material achievements.

I don't claim to know more than others, but after practicing for 45 years under the guidance of great masters I trust in the process that was given to me and I can curate your personal process coming from my roots that have given me a solid platform to navigate through life and the challenges that may come.

I invite you to bring your inquiry and allow the process to support the natural unfolding.

My intention is to serve, support your own self activation, intuition and home coming to your inner sanctuary.

Book a 15 minute free consultation